What was Hulda Clark’s Diet?

What was Hulda Clark’s Diet?

So many people who read Dr. Clark’s books remember the details on what you CANNOT eat, probably because it conflicts with our primarily toxic north American diet.  Sometimes I wonder if we could survive if we could not get all these packaged and processed foods.  Dr. Clark desperately tried to stop our cycle of toxic eating and living, in an effort to reverse disease.

Dr. Clark believed that the two main issues in disease she observed were parasites and toxins. Nutritional deficiency did not seem to be part of it. She said that if the two issues of parasites and toxicity were cleaned up, that people could get well. Their own healing powers within their body would be able to function.

But what DID Dr Clark believe about nutrition?   Did she actually have a diet?

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How I made Black Walnut Tincture

How I made Black Walnut Tincture

If you can find Black Walnut trees in your area, October is the time to begin watching as the walnuts are green and preparing to fall.  The black walnuts are a small, hard, green fruit approximately the size of a golf ball, with a refreshing lime smell.  If you aren’t sure if they are black walnuts, take them to your local nursery or greenhouse where they will tell you exactly what you have.

The reason Black Walnuts are of such amazing importance is because they are anti-parasitic, and the tincture is part of the 30-day Hulda Clark Parasite program.  You only need drops in water, taken on an empty stomach, to do the job.  The parasite program is not just for cancer, but a general treatment that can benefit almost any illness.  Dr. Clark writes that taking extra strength Black Walnut Hull tincture reaches the bowel contents in scavenging parasites, and suggests even taking it for a year or more.

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Getting Started Cleansing

Getting Started Cleansing

Do you want to feel great and look amazing?  Then your body probably needs a Spring Cleaning!

  • Cleansing can help you look and feel younger.
  • Cleansing can help you lose weight.
  • Cleansing will help to detox and energize your body.
  • Cleansing is necessary when you want your body to function well and do its job in getting rid of disease.

The information here is for the do-it-yourselfer. Most things you can do for little cost and you can get started NOW.

We have compiled the most common cleanses you can do from your own home with easily-sourced items. An ultra-effective body cleanse does not have to come from a package or a box. In fact, H2O (clean water) is the easiest cleanse to start on. Just increase your water intake to 8 or more cups of water throughout the day. It is amazing what drinking more water will do for your body.

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Stop E Coli Infection with Dr. Hulda Clark

Stop E Coli Infection with Dr. Hulda Clark

Dr. Hulda Clark writes that diarrhea is nature’s way of helping the body to control its population of flukes, roundworms, parasites of all kinds and their attendant bacteria and viruses. “Diarrhea is your clue that intestinal freeloaders are present.”

“E. Coli and Salmonella and Shigella are ‘enteric’ (they live in your bowel) bacteria that can give you severe abdominal distress and pain. In fact, you can become a chronic sufferer.“ p. 97 “The Cure for All Diseases“.

The breeding ground is hands and fingernails. Here are Dr. Hulda Clark’s tips to stop reinfection:

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Understanding Detoxification

Understanding Detoxification

Detoxification is really a process of cleaning out sludge and garbage in the body, in order to aid healing. Crash detox can be dangerous, but done slowly and carefully, it can really help your body to get better. This article is an excerpt from “From Here To Longevity” by Dr. Mitra Ray, where she encourages us to listen to our body when we eat. She explains that the 2 main areas that benefit from detox are the immune system and the digestive system. And detox takes time. Enjoy this excerpt from Dr. Mitra Ray:

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Try the Master Grapefruit Cleanse

Try the Master Grapefruit Cleanse

When you don’t have lemons, use grapefruit.  Maple syrup is best, but if you don’t have some, just use some raw honey. Compare with the Recipe and Instructions for the Master Lemonade Cleanse here.

Here’s how I made the grapefruit cleanse drink.  I squeezed the juice from the white grapefruit I had at my house, added the honey, water and cayenne pepper. I made a big pot of juice, poured it into bottles and stored it in the refrigerator.


I really enjoyed my day on the modified Master Lemonade Cleanse. Of all cleanses, this is probably the easiest.

My biggest hesitation on trying a fast, or drinking liquids for a day or more is that I might not be able to handle the hunger pangs. What if I feel weak? Will my body suffer nutritionally?

Honestly, here’s what I experienced and felt on one day of the Master Lemonade Cleanse.

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