How I made Black Walnut Tincture

If you can find Black Walnut trees in your area, October is the time to begin watching as the walnuts are green and preparing to fall.  The black walnuts are a small, hard, green fruit approximately the size of a golf ball, with a refreshing lime smell.  If you aren’t sure if they are black walnuts, take them to your local nursery or greenhouse where they will tell you exactly what you have.

The reason Black Walnuts are of such amazing importance is because they are anti-parasitic, and the tincture is part of the 30-day Hulda Clark Parasite program.  You only need drops in water, taken on an empty stomach, to do the job.  The parasite program is not just for cancer, but a general treatment that can benefit almost any illness.  Dr. Clark writes that taking extra strength Black Walnut Hull tincture reaches the bowel contents in scavenging parasites, and suggests even taking it for a year or more.

Here are the black walnuts on the ground that I spotted while I was on my walking route.  I then looked up in the tree above and sure enough, there were many more ready to fall.  I came back to this spot over the next week with bags to collect all the black walnuts that fell.  I carefully washed them and was ready to make my extra strength Black Walnut Tincture.

I washed the black walnuts carefully, using the ones with complete green hulls.  I packed as many as could fit into a tall large glass jar, poured the best Vodka I could find to cover the walnuts, sprinkled Vitamin C powder on top, and covered them with plastic wrap.  I waited 3 days, and then poured off the green tincture through a strainer into a darkened bottle.  That was it.  I now have tincture for a few years, or I can share with the family.

I froze the extra black walnuts, ready to make the water-based version Black Walnut Hull Extract another time.

Here’s the recipe I used, from Dr. Clark’s book The Cure for All Diseases. p. 543.   The reason I have it here for you is that the extra information she gives is interesting for the do-it-yourselfer and fills in the gaps from my version above.  Have fun making the tincture.  Remember your pets can use the tincture also.


Here’s Hulda Clark’s Recipe.  You need:

  1. Your largest enamel or ceramic (not stainless steel, not aluminum) cooking pot, preferably at least 10 quarts.
  2. Black Walnuts, in the hull, each one still at least 50% green, enough to fill the pot to the top. 
  3. Grain alcohol, about 50% strength, enough to cover the walnuts
  4. 1/2 tsp vitamin C powder,  
  5. Plastic wrap or cellophane,
  6. Glass jars or bottles.

The black walnut tree produces large green balls in fall.  The walnut is inside, but we will use the whole ball, uncracked, since the active ingredient is in the green outer hull. 

Rinse the walnuts carefully, put them in the pot, and cover with the alcohol.  Sprinkle on half the vitamin C.  Seal with plastic wrap and cover.  Let sit for three days.  Pour into glass jars or bottles, discarding walnuts, and divide the remaining vitamin C amongst the jars.  If the glass jar has a metal lid, first put plastic wrap over the top before screwing on the lid.  Potency is strong for several years if unopened, even if it darkens. 

When preparing the walnuts, rinse only with cold tap water.  You may need to use a brush on areas with dirt.  If you are not going to use all of them in this batch, you may freeze them in a resealable plastic bag.  Simply refrigerating them does not keep them from turning black and useless.  The pot of soaking walnuts should not be refrigerated.  Nor does the final tincture need any refrigeration.

Exposure to air does cause the tincture to darken and lose potency.  To reduce air exposure, fill the pot as much as possible, without touching the plastic wrap, while still keeping a snug fitting lid.  Even more importantly, the glass jars or bottles you use to store your tincture should have as little air space as possible, without touching the plastic wrap on top.  A large jar should be divided into smaller ones when you are ready to use it.  The idea is not to have partial jars, with a lot of air space, sitting for longer than a month or so.

There are several ways to make a 50% grain alcohol solution.  Some states have Everclear TM, 95% alcohol.  Mix this half and half with water.  Other states have Everclear that is 76.5% alcohol.  Mix this three parts Everclear to one part water.  Yet another method is to buy vodka that is 100 proof.  This is already 50% alcohol. 

Remember, never use any kind of purchased water to make tincture.”

Author: admin

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