Essiac Tea

Essiac Tea is an ancient formula that is known for its immune boosting qualities, as well as detoxification and cleansing of the whole body.

That is why people with the following conditions drink this tea:  chronic disease and chronic pain, arthritis, kidney problems, liver problems, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, constipation, poor immune system etc.  Almost anyone can benefit with this cleansing tea.

Here is the homemade formula:

6 1/2 cups of Burdock Root (cut)
16 ounces Sheep Sorrel (herb)
1 ounce Turkey Rhubarb Root (powder)
4 ounces Slippery Elm Bark (Powder)

Mix ingredients thoroughly in their dry state.

Preparation of Essiac Tea:

8 ounces (of the Essiac mix, dry formula above)
2 gallons of distilled water in stainless steel kettle

Bring the water to a hard or brisk boiling point (30 minutes)
Put the Essiac dry mixture into boiling water, stir and boil hard for 10 minutes
Allow to sit and cool slowly for six hours.

After six hours stir it thoroughly with wooden or stainless tool.
Let it sit for another six hours.

Return kettle to stove and bring to a boil.

At the boiling point, turn off the heat and pour the contents through a stainless strainer into a second stainless kettle.
Clean the first kettle thoroughly, then strain contents a second time from pot two back into pot one.

Bottle the tea immediately into dark amber glass bottles and seal it when hot.
Store in refrigerator.
Dark amber bottles may be purchased from just about any drug store pharmacist.

How to Drink Essiac Tea

Heat two ounces  (four Tablespoons) of distilled water, then mix it with two ounces of Essiac tea, taken directly from the refrigerator.

  • Essiac should be taken at bed time on an empty stomach at least 2 hours after eating. 
  • It can be taken in the morning on an empty stomach.  If taken in the morning, do not eat for at least 2  hours after taking the Essiac
  • Keep the Essiac refrigerated at all times.
  • Shake well each time before pouring.
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4 Lymphatic Cleanse Recipes

4 Lymphatic Cleanse Recipes

The Lymph system is the body’s drainage system.  The lymph system helps to pick up waste, toxins, pathogens, and even cancer cells to take back to the blood stream, for removal from the body.  It also helps distribute oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the body.  The Lymph system does not have a pump of its own.  Retaining fluid causes congestion where the nutrients do not move to the cells, and the waste is not filtered out.  

1.  Lymphatic Cleanse Bath Recipe
(from a friend, Gail)

1 cup baking soda
1 cup Epsom salts (USP Grade)
Tub filled with hot water – as hot as you can comfortably soak in.

Soak in the tub for 20 – 30 minutes.
When you come out, relax and sweat it out.

Helps your lymphatic system, blood circulation, and skin detox.

When you get out of the tub, wrap in a blanket and let your body sweat and detox even more.

2.  Epsom Salts Cleanse Bath Recipe  
(from a mother of an autistic child)

1 cup Epsom salts  (USP grade)
Tub filled with hot water – as hot as you can soak in

Soak in the tub for 20 – 30 minutes

This bath is a simple, effective way to supply the body with magnesium and sulphur, which are absorbed well through the skin.
It is great for autistic children in that they are generally lacking in magnesium and sulfur, and have difficulty metabolizing them.

Try this bath if you have cramps or restless leg syndrome.
Take it right before bed time.
May help with insomnia.

3.  Skin Brushing – Dry Brush Massage

Brushing your skin is both cleansing and detoxifying to your lymph system, and also increases circulation.  Brushing your skin also removes dead skin cells and debris that clogs your pores.

Some have called the lymph system the body’s “third lung”.  The lymph system works along with the kidneys and liver to flush out toxins and wastes from the body.   It does not have a pump of its own like the heart, so it needs to have exercise and induced circulation to help it to work properly.   Oxygenation from dry skin brushing and exercise makes the lymph system work.  Dry skin massage also makes a difference to the quality of the skin of your entire body.  Every time I have done this, my body feels fresh and rejuvenated.

Dry brush massage is done before you wash, bathe or shower.  Also, the brush and the skin are both dry when you do the dry brush massage.  Don’t make the mistake of trying to brush in the shower like I did!  The bristles were getting soft, and I wondered why it wasn’t working quite right!

You use a long-handled, natural bristle brush, which is usually found in the natural food store or health section of your department stores.  By the way, a long-handled dry brush makes a nice gift for a special occasion, or in a gift basket.  I received my first brush as a gift from my daughter!

A brush is a personal item, and usually not shared with other members of the family.  You need to wash the brush every few weeks.

How to brush the skin:

  • Do not brush your face or other sensitive areas of your body.
  • Circular brush strokes will be focused towards the heart.
  • Starting at the soles of your feet, work your way up your body.
  • Brush your legs, your front and your back.
  • Brushing should be done as vigorously as you feel comfortable.
  • Brush your hands and your arms.
  • Brush your neck (back and front) and your scalp.

Why brush your skin?

  • dry brushing keeps your pores open and removes dead layers of skin
  • stimulates your circulation and your nerve endings
  • helps to make you look and feel younger!

4.  Exercise

  • Deep Breathing – Reduce stress at the same time!  Deep Breathing is great because it can act as the pump for the lymphatic system, and help in moving out the toxins and transports oxygen and nutrients to the cells.  Method:  Breathe deeply into the diaphragm.  Think – below your lungs, expanding your rib cage as you breathe in.  Hold it, then gently breathe out while you contract your rib cage to expel all the air.  Begin deep breathing again and continue for 5 minutes – every day.  I personally practice this while walking.
  • Rebounding – This is useful for those who cannot walk.  A small rebounder is like a mini trampouline, and if you cannot bounce gently yourself, someone else can even bounce you as you sit on it.
  • Regular Aerobic Exercise and Walking – 1/2 hour per day is great for the lymphatic system.

Other Tips for Lymphatic Cleansing

  • Laughter – This is another form of deep breathing.  Watch a funny movie, invite fun friends over and really laugh, or find a way to laugh deeply and heartily.  It will help enhance blood circulation and deep diaphragm movement that will help the lymph flow.
  • Castor Oil – Castor Oil can help the the lymph fluid to flow and help with clogged lymph nodes.  Castor oil applied topically is known for enhancing circulation and also affects tissues and organs under the skin.  Make a castor oil pack by soaking a few pieces of cloth or flannel in castor oil.  Place it on the body, cover it with a piece of plastic, and then a hot water bottle on top of that for warmth.  Leave it on for 45 minutes to 1 hour.  Areas of the body that typically respond to castor oil packs are the liver area or abdomen, painful joints like the knees or muscles, or to help digestion or constipation.  You can re-use the castor oil pack many times, but keep it in the refrigerator between uses.  Wash off the body gently after applying the castor oil pack using a diluted baking soda and water solution.
  • Underwire or Tight Bras – avoid tight and constrictive undergarments.  Switch to sports bras and looser clothes that allow your body to breathe and lymph to flow.  When the lymph system is restricted through tight clothing the lymph system cannot move properly.  Recommended reading on this topic is the book “Dressed to Kill”.  I suggest this especially for those with breast lumps and cancer.
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Three Candida Cleanse Recipes

Three Candida Cleanse Recipes

Candida is an overgrowth of yeast in the body, and shows itself in many ways.  Some of the common symptoms are:  vaginal itching and/or burning, thrush (white coated tongue), athlete’s foot with fungal toe infection, rectal itching. 

Other symptoms are:  constipation, depression, brain fog, allergies, cravings for sugars, breads, chips and carbs, digestive problems like gas and bloating, IBS, sluggish bowel, chronic fatigue, and other vague symptoms.

Here are some recipes for the beginner, with some diet ideas.

Basic Anti-Fungal Foods:  Yogurt (natural, no sugar), Apple Cider Vinegar, Garlic, Ginger, Cloves, Coconut oil and Oregano oil.  Use these foods in dressings and in cooking. Use Oregano oil topically and use a drop or two on your toothbrush to brush your teeth.

1.  Pau-d’arco (or Taheebo) Tea (See more at 9 Useful Cleansing Teas)

This herb contains three anti-yeast compounds – lapachol, beta-lapachone and xyloidine, that help fight candida albicans and other fungi.

Ingredients to make Pau-d’arco Tea:

  • 3 heaping tablespoons of dried bark
  • 10 cups water.

Boil for 5-15 minutes.

Drink a cup of this tea two to eight times a day.

2.  Clove Tea

Ingredients for Clove Tea:

  • 1 tbsp whole cloves, ground in a coffee grinder
  • 1 quart of pure water

Boil the water, add the ground cloves and let steep for 20 minutes.  Pour through a strainer.  Dilute if the tea is too strong.  Drink 2 cups of clove tea per day.

3.  Baking Soda 

Take 1/2 teaspoon of Baking Soda in warm water twice a day (1/2 hour before meals.)

Foods to Avoid –  Aged cheese, all additives and preservatives, alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, fruit and sugar (of all kinds), mushrooms, nuts & spices, vinegar, foods containing gluten (most flours and grains)

Foods to Eat  Vegetables – raw or steamed. Vegetables containing sugar like yams, potatoes and corn should be limited.

Proteins – barley green juice powder concentrate, non-medicated organic fish and meats.

Yogurt – good live yogurt cultures to nourish the bowel.  Do not use yogurt with sugar/fruit, but make sure it contains concentrated probiotics (acidophilus) in the yogurt.

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8 Kidney Cleansing Recipes

8 Kidney Cleansing Recipes

The kidneys are vital to the body, and a kidney cleanse is as important as a colon cleanse.

Every day, the kidneys process approx. 200 quarts of blood in order to sift out 2 quarts of waste products and extra water. The waste and extra water become urine, which flows to your bladder. The kidneys remove the wastes from the blood. If they didn’t, your body could not function and you would soon die.

Here are some symptoms or signs that you might have a kidney stone: excruciating pain in your back and side, so bad that you feel as if you might vomit, nausea, or pain so bad that has been compared to giving birth.

This is something to AVOID! Keep your kidneys in good shape by going on a kidney cleanse, or cleaning out stones naturally.

Here are some ideas:

1. Drink lots of pure water every day . Adequate fluids are the best prevention of kidney stones. Drink half your body weight in ounces each day. You can add unrefined celtic sea salt (containing sea minerals) to supplement your cleanse. e.g. If you weigh 120 pounds, you would drink 60 ounces of water each day.

2 . Hulda Clark’s official Kidney Cleanse. Cleanse your kidneys twice a year and get rid of kidney stones naturally and without surgery. Get the Recipe Here

3. Dandelion Tea. During an attack drink as much dandelion tea as you can. This is a strong diuretic and it stimulates blood circulation through the kidneys. See our recipe to make the tea.  Add 2 teaspoons of dried dandelion root to 1 cup of boiling water. Steep for 15 minutes and drink.

4. Celery Seed Cleansing Tea – Get the recipe here.

5. Watermelon Cleansing Tea

6. Carrot Juice. Try a blend of carrot, celery, parsley and apple juiced in your juicer. Drink 1-3 glasses per day. Dr. L. Newman says in his book Make Your Juicer Your Drug Store: “…it contains practically all the range of minerals and vitamins required by the body, being especially high in Vitamin A, the healing vitamin. This makes it of inestimable value in cases of …bronchial trouble, lung trouble, for the liver, gall bladder and kidneys …and kidney stones…and for restoring pep and energy”.

7. Cranberry Juice. Drink 1 cup of natural (unsweetened) cranberry juice per day.

8. Coconut Water for Urinary Tract problems – At the market or vegetable section of the grocery store you can often find fresh coconuts. In our area we have asian markets where whole coconuts are plentiful. Fresh water from the coconut can help urinary tract symptoms. I have used a hammer and large nail to pour out the water through a large straw. We collected the water in a glass jar and drank the water. The taste is refreshing and slightly sweet. The coconut is an amazing powerhouse of anti-aging properties. Try it for smooth skin and younger complexion! It is known for some of the following things:

  • reducing urinary problems
  • helps swelling in the hands and feet
  • boosts poor circulation
  • fights bacteria and viruses
  • helps break up kidney stones
  • plus much more, so give it a try for your kidney health
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