6 Dirty Secrets of having BAD BREATH!!!

6 Dirty Secrets of having BAD BREATH!!!

I got the SURPRISE of my life as I sat talking with a young banking representative yesterday.

The sewer-like smell coming from his mouth almost knocked me over. It was a combination of what I imagine the smell of rotting teeth and a bowel movement to smell like. How could a young man in a suit and tie ever exude such a revolting smell?  And – he appeared to have a beautiful set of teeth, well groomed and clean.

It wouldn’t have been so bad if I had not encountered a lady earlier that same day with the exact same odor (possibly more intense) at the breakfast table in the beautiful B & B we stayed at.  Her teeth were not as nice, she was older and obese.  Perhaps I could understand that she could have bad breath, but certainly not the young banking gentleman. 

Two people with BAD BREATH in one day was too much!!

It reminded me of the day I was about to eat a beautiful orange.  I decided to open it first, and there before my eyes was a nest of worms amid black rot and mold.  On the outside what appeared to be a beautiful orange was, in fact, a deadly mass of decay.  The picture above is the actual picture of the orange I was about to eat!!

Bad breath is a symptom of something brewing beneath the surface. Bad breath is not normal. And . . . . bad breath should be taken seriously.  Be thankful if someone is kind enough to let you know that you have bad breath.  The sooner you clean it up, the better for you.


  • It really smells bad near you.  People may avoid getting close to you.  It’s hard to appreciate a toilet-bowl smell coming out of someone’s mouth for an extended period of time.  You have a toxic situation going on, and other people are getting the brunt of it.  It’s easier for people to keep away than talk about it.  Your body will need cleansing and detox.
  • You may have gum disease, bacteria in your gums, rotten and/or rotting teeth.  Research now shows that harboring teeth infections and gum disease can be one real cause of heart disease.
  • You may have a sinus infection with bacteria and infection breeding in cavities above your mouth in your head.  That can smell really foul, and it will wear your immune system down eventually.
  • You likely have constipation.  Your food has slow transit time, your bowels don’t move adequately and you are congested.  The toxins that should be exiting your body are staying around for days, and your body is reabsorbing the garbage into your blood stream.  You are likely feeling more tired than usual, lethargic, have acne breakouts, your brain feels fuzzy and your breath stinks really bad.  Your stomach could even be distended and bloated with excess pounds of fecal matter!!  Have you got the picture?
  • You may have poor Digestion with bad diet and liver problems – this is separate from the constipation issue.  Your liver can’t speak, and so you won’t necessarily know what’s happening.  It’s like that worm in the orange picture above.  You may look fine on the outside, but there may be something bad brewing in your body organs.
  • You may also experience bad breath from cleansing during a fast.  You may have a white tongue and foul breath, but these will end as your body cleanses naturally.  If you are fasting, be encouraged that your body is eliminating toxic waste and getting cleansed!
  • Other reasons for bad breath could be medications, which can cause ‘dry mouth’ and bring on foul smelling breath.

When the first person tells you that you have bad breath, here are some important DIY steps you can do immediately.  Many of these steps can be done at the same time, but Step 11 and 12 obviously must be done separately.  Work on your bad breath step by step.

1.  Drink 6-8 fresh clean cups of water each day.  Coffee or tea do not count.

2.  Immediately increase your fiber by eating 1-2 apples every day, with its skin!

3.  Add fresh green parsley to your diet – chew it well to let the chlorophyll sanitize and freshen your mouth.  Chlorophyll is like an internal body deodorizer and cleansing food.  Chew a bunch every day, and include it in your meals.

4.  Chew clove buds, which can help cover up bad breath, and also help to kill parasites that are lurking around.

5.  Add 1 tsp – 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in water before each meal, as a digestive aid.

6.  Move to the colon cleanse.  You must make sure that your bowels are moving well each day.  See the section 14 Constipation Home Remedies for DIY ideas immediately.

7.  Just having a bowel movement is not enough.  Fiber will give you bulk which provides a sweeping action that cleanses years of sludge buildup on the walls of your colon.  Toxic sludge and impacted fecal matter can give you symptoms of bad breath.  See my personal homemade DIY Easy Fiber Solution here.  It works amazingly well for getting that sweeping action in the colon.

8.  Cut out meat and cheese from your diet for a period of time.  They contain no fiber, promote constipation, and tend to putrefy (make a foul smell) if your bowels are not moving.

9.  Clean up your mouth.  Brush your teeth carefully, floss, and brush your tongue. Try a natural rinse made from salt and bicarbonate of soda.  You can mix 3 parts soda to 1 part sea salt.  Add 1 tsp to a cup of water which you can gargle and swish to keep your mouth fresh.

Note:  Someone in the family recently had a tooth extraction.  After a few days the stench coming from his mouth was so bad nobody could stand to be near him.  He could not even smell it!!!  Miraculously after swishing gently with salt and soda water a number of times each day, the problem was solved.

10.  See your Dentist, to determine if your bad breath is a deeper dental issue or not.  Pay particular attention to crowns, root canals and bridges, which on the surface may appear to be fine, but are a rotting mess under the surface.  This must be cleaned up.

11.  Do a Hulda Clark Liver Cleanse.  Your liver, being one of the most important organs in your body must be working well.  Your liver is a toxin filter in your body, and it will be working hard to help you detoxify from your bad breath.

12.  Do the Master Cleanse for 1-3 days.

13.  I suggest getting on the Zapper as part of cleansing from bad breath.  You can read the stories of those who have tried the zapper here.

Yours for fresh and clean BREATH!


PS.  This information is not intended as medical advice.  We advise you to seek professional medical help with all your health concerns including bad breath.  It can be a serious symptom requiring medical help.  As always, take responsibility for your own health.

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Foods that Hinder Your Detox

Foods that Hinder Your Detox

There are certain foods that actually hinder a detox.  Identify the killers and you will be more successful. 

Here is a list of common detox killers to avoid while trying to detox:

  • dairy or GMO soy
  • sugar (for most detox’s you can still have limited fruit)
  • caffeine (or pop)
  • meat
  • gluten
  • peanuts or corn (common allergen)
  • alcohol, tobacco, over the counter drugs.

This looks like a nasty list, but there are a LOT of great foods you can enjoy and still feel satisfied.  If you are going on a raw food detox, then that’s another story, but if you are still going for some cooked food, I have some ideas for you below.

Detox seasons are good, so be intentional about them, take time out of your usual schedule of meal plans, and even spend money to make sure you get the best nutrition possible. Eating at home where you can control what you eat is important.   Have fun planning for your detox and making it happen.

Breakfast:  Fresh juiced vegetables, Green smoothies, oatmeal with almond milk, buckwheat or other non-gluten pancakes.

Lunch:  Fresh raw green salad with avocado, grated carrot, grated beet, cucumbers, alfalfa sprouts,  tomatoes, sprinkled with ground flax, and/or sesame/hemp/sunflower seeds.  Sprinkle fresh berries on top for fun.  Hearty dressing can be cilantro dressing, or avocado/lime dressing or olive oil with garlic/herb vinaigrette.  Fresh juiced vegetables.

Supper:  Here are some ideas of what I would serve.  Rice/lentil pilaf, Quinoa dish with curried stir-fry vegetables or curried chickpeas and lentils, Curried squash soup,  Dal or black bean sauce with rice,  Baked potato with steamed veggies.  Top with a dab of coconut butter.

During your detox, drink plenty of juiced vegetables.  For the following recipes you need to experiment and make it how you like it.  The outcome also depends on the kind of blender or juicer you have.

Vegetable Juice:  1 handful parsley, 1/2 inch fresh ginger, 6-8 carrots, 3 stalks celery, 2 apples, 1/2 lemon, and any other vegetables you have around such as a beet, zucchini,romaine lettuce, kale, beet tops, few dandelion leaves, etc. I usually juice once a day and store it in mason jars in the refrigerator to drink during the day.

Green Smoothie:  Blend up a handful of spinach or kale, 1 apple, 1 banana, 1/2 squeezed lemon, water to make blending easy.  Add 1/2 cup frozen blueberries or mango if you have them. I even add avocado in my green smoothies.

Green Smoothie #2:  1 1/2 cups of washed kale, chopped, 1 orange, 1 lemon, 1 banana, 1 cup green grapes, 1 pear, 1/4 inch ginger peeled, 1 cup water.  Blend until smooth.

Avocado Salad Dressing:  3/4 cup water, 1 large avocado with the pit removed, 3 tbsp squeezed lime juice, 1 tsp lime zest, 1 garlic clove, optional dash of cumin, s & p to taste.  Add 2 tbsp of honey if needed.  Blend & serve as a dressing, or as a dip for vegetables.

Berry Dressing:  1 cup fruit, 1/2 cup water, 2-3 tbp honey, 2 tbsp olive oil, few tbsp. apple cider vinegar, s & p to taste.  Blend and serve. I usually “blend & taste” to get the right consistency and flavor!  Blackberry dressing is our favorite.

Enjoy the Detox!


PS  PERFECT BODY ALKALIZER   30 Veggies, Fruits and Berries gives you all the whole food nutritional goodness you need to Nourish, Support, and Balance your whole body. It is Plant – Whole Food health building ingredients. Fight disease with a strong immune System. Protect your family with Juice Plus+ superfood. Chewables are for the kids and capsules for adults. Perfect for busy people, busy families, and everyone who wants to REBOOT their immune system.  Get started today.  Email me gethealthy@gmail.com with your message and number and I’ll get back to you.



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Dandelion Root Tea Recipe

Dandelion Root Tea Recipe

Dandelion is one of the best herbs for cleansing and detoxification with laxative and diuretic properties. Europeans have used dandelion for anemia, diabetes and liver disease.  This cleanse is great for liver cleansing.

The directions here are for the do-it-yourselfer, but you can also purchase bags of dehydrated chopped dandelion roots in your local Health Food Store.  Of course, doing it yourself is virtually free!

How to dry your own dandelion roots

  1. Harvest Dandelion Roots in the fall after flowering, although any time is fine.
  2. Wash the roots well and dry.
  3. Crush them into pieces the best you can or slice thinly.
  4. Spread the dandelion roots on a baking pan or dehydrator rack
  5. Bake at a very low temperature (200 – 250 degrees) and bake until they are dry, or dehydrate until dry – it may take a long time. If baking in the oven, leave the oven door open slightly so the moisture can escape. Stir occasionally to make sure the roots are drying evenly. Cool.
  6. Store dried dandelion roots in an airtight container/package.

Directions for dandelion tea


  • 1 tablespoon of dried roots
  • 1 cup of hot water

Let steep for 5 minutes.

Drink dandelion tea hot or cold.

Tips for Dandelion Leaves and Dandelion Tea Cleansing:

  • Make sure you harvest Dandelion Roots from a place that has not been poisoned, sprayed, near traffic, or near animals.
  • Look for a large, mature clump of dandelion leaves to find the longest, fattest root.
  • Dandelion leaves are a great spring tonic – cut up the young leaves into a salad for extra nutrition
  • You can eat Dandelion leaves cooked like spinach or beet greens. You must acquire a taste for the bitter flavor and actually enjoy them.
  • For Super Nutrition, add dandelion leaves when you juice vegetables.
  • I have made dandelion hot drink (coffee substitute)!!  Roast the dried roots in the oven until toasty, place them in a coffee grinder and grind to a fine powder (coffee).  Add a cup of boiling water to 1 tsp of the dandelion powder.  Add honey to taste.  It is a taste you must acquire, but knowing it’s so good for the liver is encouraging!
  • Dandelions help to detoxify the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, blood, aid the digestion, help the endocrine system and tissues that have had toxic buildup over time. Dandelions also have been known to help with water retention. Dandelion greens are best eaten raw and fresh for maximum benefit, while the roots are best when made into a tea.
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Toxicity Sleuth Checklist

Toxicity Sleuth Checklist


(hidden clues to where you might be poisoning or polluting yourself)

  1. Do you use commercial body products such as skin creams, cosmetics, soaps, shampoos? (99% are polluted with chemicals)

  2. Do you use commercial laundry soap and fabric softeners? (They are all polluted)

  3. Do you use Clorox bleach in your house? (100% toxic)

  4. Do you use Windex, Tilex, room fresheners, bathroom cleaners? (99.9% are toxic)

  5. Do you store cleaners in your bathroom, bedroom, kitchen? (Polluted Air – remember the smell of the cleaner aisle at the grocery store?)

  6. Do you drink tap water? (Heavy metals, synthetic hormones, pollutants)

  7. Do you eat regular store-bought meat? (Contain hormones, antibiotics, etc)

  8. Do you eat pre-packaged food, food in cans, or preserved meats such as sandwich meats? (Contain preservatives, MSG, have no life in the food)

  9. Do you eat at fast food restaurants? eg fries, hotdogs, hamburgers (Trans-fats which kill your liver)

  10. Do you prepare foods with MSG, or eat at any restaurant that cooks with MSG? (MSG is also labeled as hydrolyzed vegetable protein, autolyzed vegetable protein, yeast extract, or glutamic acid) (Toxic)

  11. Do you drink diet drinks, or anything containing aspartame? (Toxic)

  12. Have you installed new carpet, new furniture, new flooring, new drapes recently? (Formaldehyde, toxic glues)

  13. Have you painted your house recently? (Xylene, toluene, toxic chemicals)

  14. Do you consume prescription drugs (including birth control)? (Toxic to the liver)

  15. Do you consume over the counter pharmacy drugs (including sinus, cold, headache preparations)? (Toxic to the liver)

  16. Have you had any water leak in your house or mold of any kind? (Toxic mold)

  17. Do you have any mold in the carpet or walls left from previous owners?

  18. Do you have any mercury fillings in your mouth? (Heavy metal toxicity)

  19. Do you store or freeze your food in plastic containers? (Zeno-estrogens)

  20. Do you live in a neighborhood with smog, pollution, or near a major highway?

  21. Do you smoke or use street drugs?

  22. Do you have pets, and do they live in your home? (Parasites)

  23. Do you lack exercise? Should be 3-4 times per week for at least ½ hour. (You need vigorous circulation to help your body flush out toxins)

See Dr. Hulda Clark’s book“:The Cure for All Diseases” for sources of household poisoning and toxicity.

Why your Toxic Overload Inventory is NECESSARY,  and HOW IT AFFECTS YOUR HEALTH.

Homeostasis is a state of stability in which your health is maintained evenly and well. Your body is able to maintain a good weight level and you feel good. 

When there is an upset to your life in any way (dehydration, lack of adequate nutrients, stress, accident, toxic assault in any form, etc) your body system can go out of balance and will need correction.

If the correction is not made, symptoms will develop into chronic problems and diseases, which are then harder to reverse. e.g. inflammation of any kind (arthritis and almost all diseases), obesity, allergies, cancer, etc.

Go to HERE for the Dr. Hulda Clark’s method and protocol, where we help you clean up your home of toxicity.

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Cilantro Pesto Recipes for Heavy Metal Detox

There are a number of Cilantro Pesto Recipes to help you with Heavy Metal Detox. Definitely look at the page “How do I get Heavy Metal Poisoning?” for more recipes and the health benefits of Cilantro as a heavy metal cleanser.

Here are a few to choose from:


Recipe 1

2 garlic cloves, peeled and coarsely chopped

2 cups fresh cilantro, lightly packed

¼ cup olive oil (or other good cold pressed oil)

2 tbsp sesame oil

2 tbsp lemon juice

½ tsp salt

½ tsp pepper

Place all ingredients in a food processor and process until smooth.


Recipe 2

2 cloves garlic

1 bunch fresh cilantro, (3 cups lightly packed)

½ cup olive oil (or other good cold pressed oil)

½ cup roasted pine nuts, walnuts, almonds, cashews or mix in sunflower seeds

½ cup grated parmesan cheese

1 tbsp lime juice

½ tsp sea salt or to taste

Place all ingredients in a food processor and process until smooth.


Recipe 3

1 clove garlic

½ cup nuts – almonds, walnuts, cashews, brazil nuts

1 cup cilantro leaves

2 tbsp lemon juice

6 tbsp olive oil (or flaxseed oil, or other good cold pressed oil)

S & P to taste

Place all ingredients in a food processor and process until smooth.


Tip #1 Add more garlic or less garlic depending on your taste.

Tip #2 Put on toast and broil, as a dip with vegetables, or spread on crackers.

Tip #3 This recipe freezes well. Make a batch and freeze half for another day.

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How do I get Heavy Metal Poisoning?

How do I get Heavy Metal Poisoning?

Many of our chronic diseases have now been found to have their roots in heavy metal toxicity.  Heavy metal toxicity is a condition where accumulations of poisonous metals are found in tissues and organs of the body.

Mercury and lead are some of the biggest heavy metals.  We get some through dental work (mercury amalgams), bad cookware in the kitchen (aluminum), accumulations of metals from canned foods in the kitchen, heavy metals in the makeups and skin care products (aluminum in deodorant), lead in paints, breathing polluted industrial air, etc.

Thankfully, there are some natural foods we can eat that will help to gently remove heavy metals from the body.

Studies have shown that the leaves of the coriander plant (cilantro) can help the body to excrete mercury, lead and aluminum naturally.

That is why we use it in our kitchen every chance we get.  Regarding the taste,  I have found that you either love it, or you hate it!  So ask ahead when you have visitors joining you for dinner.  The recipes below often surprise people who think they don’t like cilantro!

This delicious herb can greatly help in the detox process, and it is available in your local grocery stores all year round.

1.  Cilantro Pesto –  I have three great recipes here.  Eat 1 tablespoons 2-3 times per day.

2.  Cilantro Dressings – I have two great recipes here also.  Eat 1 tablespoons 2-3 times per day.

Heavy Metal Detox Recipes

  • Use as a dressing for salads
  • Use as a dip for vegetables


Cilantro Garlic Dressing – our family favorite

4 cloves garlic
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
2 Tablespoons honey
1 cup cold-pressed oil (flax, olive, hemp, etc)
1 bunch washed cilantro (cut off stems)
Add 1 teaspoon water if mixture is too thick
Salt & Pepper to taste
Place all ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth


Cilantro Citrus Recipe

1 cup orange and lime juice, freshly squeezed
1 clove garlic
1 bunch cilantro
1 cup cold pressed oil (flax, olive, hemp, etc)
Salt & Pepper to taste
Place all ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth

3. Fresh Tomato Salsa.  We use it with pita chips, rice crisps, or garlic bread.


2 cups diced tomatoes
2 green onions, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
1 freshly-squeezed lime
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 cup freshly chopped cilantro
1 teaspoon maple syrup or honey
Salt & Pepper to taste

Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, stirring gently to mix well.
Serve within a few hours.

4. Cilantro Soup – Get the recipes here.

Known benefits of Cilantro leaves and seeds:

  • Works like a natural chelation therapy
  • Can protect against Salmonella bacteria
  • Helps to lower blood sugar
  • Is a source of dietary fiber
  • Lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) and raises good cholesterol (HDL)
  • Aids in digestion and helps to settle the stomach
  • Has Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Protects against urinary tract infections
  • Prevents nausea
  • Helps relieve intestinal gas
  • Is a natural source of iron and magnesium
  • Is rich in phytonutrients and flavonoids – boosts your nutrition and immunity
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