Is Diarrhea really a Cleansing Reaction?

Is Diarrhea really a Cleansing Reaction?

When your oil light on your car lights up, do you cover it up with duct tape? Do you just remove it? Do you ignore it and hope it will go away?

Of course not. You MUST find the source of the problem. Covering it up or removing it will mean that your car will break down soon, you will face a large repair bill, or possibly having to face the cost of a new car!

Your bowel and colon output is like the indicator light in your car. The big thing you need to know is that your stools are an indicator of what is going on in your body. Your stools can indicate a range from liver stress to parasitic infestation. Dr. Clark’s basic take is that diarrhea is a state of bacterial and parasitic toxicity, which needs immediate attention.

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Hulda Clark’s Bowel Program

Hulda Clark’s Bowel Program

This section can be found in “The Cure for All Diseases“, p. 546.  Another title for this could be “Help for Pain, Bloating and Gassiness”.

“Although most bowel bacteria are beneficial, the ones that are not, like Salmonellas and Shigellas, are extremely detrimental because they have the ability to invade the rest of your body and colonize a trauma site or weakened organ.  These same bacteria colonize a cancer tumor and delay healing after the malignancy is stopped.

Another reason bowel bacteria are so hard to eradicate is that we are constantly reinfecting ourselves by keeping a reservoir on our hands and under our fingernails.

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Kill Bowel Bacteria with Black Walnut Tincture

Kill Bowel Bacteria with Black Walnut Tincture

This section of killing bowel bacteria comes from “The Cure for All Diseases” by Dr. Hulda Clark, p. 99-100.  How to eliminate toxicity in the body is what this book is all about, and understanding this small section helps to put one more piece of the “cleansing” puzzle together.

“If you have chronic abdominal problems, make sure you eliminate the bowel contents two or three times a day.  There are herbs that can kill enteric (occurring in the intestines) bacteria . . . Echinacea was a treasured herb of American Indians.  Goldenseal is another favorite.  Turmeric can kill E. coli and some Shigellas.  Fennel can also kill some.  But a single dose of BLACK WALNUT TINCTURE EXTRA STRENGTH seems to do the most.  Make it yourself if possible. (See our post Hulda Clark’s Bowel Program for details on Turmeric, Fennel and Black Walnut Tincture).

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Hulda Clark Pet Parasite Program

Hulda Clark Pet Parasite Program

Here’s the Parasite Program directly from Dr. Hulda Clark’s book “The Cure for All Diseases“, p. 343.  You can make some of it yourself very inexpensively, and hopefully your pet will cooperate!!   Enjoy your pet cleanup program.   For more information and a Pet Parasite Program download, go to and get yourself signed in.  The Pet Parasite Program will come as part of that short series.  We know you will like the other great downloads that has there for your education and convenience.

“Pets have many of the same parasites that we get, including Ascaris (common roundworm), hookworm, Trichinella, Strongyloides, heartworm and a variety of tapeworms.  Every pet living in your home should be deparasitized (cleared of parasites) and maintained on a parasite program.  Monthly trips to your vet are not sufficient.

You may not need to get rid of your pet to keep yourself free of parasites.  But if you are quite ill it is best to board it with a friend until you are better.

Your pet is part of your family and should be kept as sweet and clean and healthy as yourself. It’s not difficult to achieve, and here is the recipe!

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What was Hulda Clark’s Diet?

What was Hulda Clark’s Diet?

So many people who read Dr. Clark’s books remember the details on what you CANNOT eat, probably because it conflicts with our primarily toxic north American diet.  Sometimes I wonder if we could survive if we could not get all these packaged and processed foods.  Dr. Clark desperately tried to stop our cycle of toxic eating and living, in an effort to reverse disease.

Dr. Clark believed that the two main issues in disease she observed were parasites and toxins. Nutritional deficiency did not seem to be part of it. She said that if the two issues of parasites and toxicity were cleaned up, that people could get well. Their own healing powers within their body would be able to function.

But what DID Dr Clark believe about nutrition?   Did she actually have a diet?

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