What Motivates You?

I got really motivated yesterday.  I got sooooo motivated to stay as healthy as I can for as long as I can.

I met a very sick elderly couple outside the shopping mall.  They were in sad shape.  She was pale and weak, and as we talked, I noticed large bruises on her hands.  She told me that she had not been well, but she avoids talking about her health problems.  Her husband joined us carrying his grocery bag full of blister packs of prescription pills.  He also looked very unhealthy, and we talked about his recent stint procedure for his heart.  I felt so sorry for them in the state of health and mind they were in.

Knowing their ethnic background, this couple probably eats a lot of fried foods, refined and lifeless grains and sugars, greasy meats and dairy products.  And you can be sure that their children also eat this way and are headed in the same direction, unless they have made some serious lifestyle changes.

Immediately I determined I did not ever want to land up like this.  I decided AGAIN to go home with a fresh vision.  I decided to exercise with thankfulness, look forward to eating live foods, juice vegetables, and follow the knowledge that I have.  Compromising is not on my list, as this could cost me too much.  Trying to regain lost ground may be impossible.

Visit someone at your local hospital, and see if you don’t come back motivated to look after your body, and stay as healthy as you possibly can.

Here are 3 healthy tips to start with:

1.  Stop eating out for 1 month. You compromise too much when the cheapest thing on the menu is a hamburger, and fresh healthy choices are non existent.  Eat a big green salad before supper every day.  Try breakfast with a hearty green smoothie, or easy whole grain porridge made overnight in the crockpot.  (Don’t worry about the ‘constipation’ part, because it just keeps us regular and healthy!)  Pack a bag of fresh cut vegetables for snacks.  Drink lots of water.

2.  Make your own salad dressings.  Use good oils like flax seed oil or olive oil with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar.  Avoid all soybean oil.  Personally, healthy oil is a ‘must-have’ for my own health plan.

3.  Stop eating fried foods.  This involves chips, donuts, chicken, french fries, and anything else that is deep fried.  These highly heated oils are toxic and cause disease.  Actually, coconut oil is the best oil, and it can withstand higher heat without hurting you.

If you just start with these 3 health items, you will be farther ahead of the sickly couple I met yesterday, and a lot happier.

Insanely motivated to stay healthy!


P.S.  Here is my personal health insurance and anti-aging program.  It is 30 vine-ripened, non-GMO, vegetables, fruits and berries in capsule form.  I take these every morning with thankfulness and knowledge that my body needs the rainbow of foods for fuel, every day.  Join me in turning back the clock and living as long and healthy as possible.  There are also gummies for kids.  Email Lyn at gethealthy@gmail.com to get started.

Author: admin

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